Monday, September 17, 2007

Fun With Packer Helmets In The Sun

It's a very rainy day here -- not storming, just a steady rain with little wind. It's the kind of day that makes you think back to sunny days, among other things. So it's a good time to look at photos.

These were taken over the Labor Day weekend in Wisconsin and feature Hunter with his 'new' Packer helmets (from yard sales). Even his pal, Rhino, gets to wear the mini helmet.

Poor Grandma doesn't have a helmet -- but at least Hunter poses nicely with her.

Here Derek teases Hunter that his Green Bay Packer helmet will fit him too; clearly it doesn't. But 'deranged' is one of hubby's best looks *wink*

Here Derek whines that it won't fit -- I think he's working himself up into Hulk-Smash mode!

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